Should You Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner? [Infographic]
Though the temperatures are dropping and you’re turning on your furnace now, warm temperatures will be here again before you know it. Rather than letting the summer heat sneak up on you, be proactive by having air conditioning repair near Frisco has taken care of now. Depending on a number of factors, you may be better off replacing your air conditioner instead of repairing it. Air conditioning units tend to last between 10 and 15 years, so if yours is reaching the end of its life, a replacement can give you better energy efficiency and cut down on repair costs. An air conditioner that drives up your energy bills without making your house cooler should be inspected by a professional to determine if repair or replacement makes the most sense. Check out this infographic to learn more about whether you should repair or replace your air conditioner. Please share with your friends and family.